Morning Ritual: Move, Read, Write

(above: fragments from my daily notebook  —  a 30 day challenge to share snippets of my writing on Cosmos)

It often happens this way for me:

early morning awareness happens.

That’s the best verb I can come up with right now. Suddenly, I just know something. Usually mysterious, rarely obvious, hardly clear. It’s more of a sense. Often a word. But usually it’s a knowing. 

Sometimes it is very practical information. Like this morning. This morning it was three things that fell into my head: 3 things you need. It sounded like a listicle on social media, click-baity, and my brain processed it as a triptych, three beautiful images in warm tones of brown.

Movement. A book. A notebook.

It fell into my awareness like a prescription. For me, and for you.

Simple: move your body, nourish your mind, write it all out. I’m particularly fond of the last one, write it all out. Write freely, let it out and let it go.*

Three simple actions, that done daily, can nourish your soul. So simple it borders on devotional.

I take these vitamins everyday. And maybe you do too? Or mean to, want to? 

dimmi tutto, tell me, let me know.

Reading now: Joy Harjo’s Catching the Light

Writing in: a Fabriano A5 Ecoqua sprial notebook

Moving: however my body wants to stretch; I allow it to just happen.

* two Septembers ago I started sharing writing offerings online. I called these sessions Write Freely. I remember feeling so scared and imposter-y when I started sharing the link to join but I am so glad I did it anyway! I met such lovely women, pen and paper loving people who wanted to make time in their days to connect with themselves. 


Leaving A Summer Cottage


The Wise Ways In Which We Try Again